Position: HomeFaq
  • Can biological rust remover replace traditional chemical rust remover?

    Q Can biological rust remover replace traditional chemical rust remover?

    Biological rust removal agent can replace the traditional chemical rust removal agent to some extent, but its effect needs to be evaluated according to the specific situation.

  • Can biological rust remover remove rust from galvanized steel plates?

    Q Can biological rust remover remove rust from galvanized steel plates?

    Biological rust removal agent can rust remove the galvanized steel plate, but it needs to be operated according to the specific product instructions.

  • Can biological rust removal agent remove aluminum?

    Q Can biological rust removal agent remove aluminum?

    Biological rust removal agent is usually not suitable for the rust removal treatment of aluminum, because the oxide layer on the surface of aluminum has a certain resistance to the rust removal agent.

  • Can bioRremover be used on a variety of metal surfaces?

    Q Can bioRremover be used on a variety of metal surfaces?

    Biological rust remover can be used on a variety of metal surfaces, but it needs to be selected according to the characteristics of different metal surfaces.

  • Does the pH value of biological rust remover have an effect on the effect of rust removal layer?

    Q Does the pH value of biological rust remover have an effect on the effect of rust removal layer?

    The pH value of the biological rust remover may affect the effect of the rust removal layer, so it needs to be operated according to the specific product instructions.

  • Can bioRremover be used in low temperature?

    Q Can bioRremover be used in low temperature?

    Biological rust removal agents can be used in low temperature environment to some extent, but it should be noted that their activity may be affected.

  • Can biological Rremover be used in high temperature environment?

    Q Can biological Rremover be used in high temperature environment?

    Biological rust removal agent can be used in a high temperature environment to a certain extent, but it needs to be operated according to the temperature requirements in the specific product instructions.

  • Can bioRremover be used in organic solvents?

    Q Can bioRremover be used in organic solvents?

    Biological rust remover is usually not suitable for use in organic solvents, because these solvents may affect their activity.

Scan to obtain resources
  • Rust remover technology AC group
    Rust remover technology AC group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Metal rust removal case sharing group
    Metal rust removal case sharing group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Rust remover operates AC group
    Rust remover operates AC group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Rust remover case sharing group
    Rust remover case sharing group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Ac group for equipment rust removal
    Ac group for equipment rust removal Scanning WeChat QR Code add service

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