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  • What is the working principle of the neutral rust remover?

    Q What is the working principle of the neutral rust remover?

    the chemical composition in the neutral rust removal agent will have a chemical reaction with the rust and oxide layer on the metal surface, and make it into a soluble compound, so as to achieve the purpose of removal.

  • Is the neutral rust remover environmentally friendly?

    Q Is the neutral rust remover environmentally friendly?

    Compared with the traditional acid rust remover, the neutral rust remover is more environmentally friendly, because it does not release harmful chemicals into the environment.

  • What types of metals are the neutral rust remover suitable for?

    Q What types of metals are the neutral rust remover suitable for?

    neutral rust remover is suitable for many types of metals, including iron, steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, etc.

  • What is the difference between neutral rust remover and traditional acid rust remover?

    Q What is the difference between neutral rust remover and traditional acid rust remover?

    Traditional acid rust remover usually cause corrosion and damage to metal surfaces, while neutral rust remover does not cause similar problems when dealing with metal surfaces.

  • What is a neutral rust remover?

    Q What is a neutral rust remover?

    Neutral rust remover is a chemical used to remove rust, oxide layer and other dirt from metal surfaces. Its pH value is between acid and alkaline.

  • Is biological rust remover more expensive than traditional chemical rust remover?

    Q Is biological rust remover more expensive than traditional chemical rust remover?

    The price of biological rust remover may be slightly higher than that of traditional chemical rust remover, but the cost performance can be evaluated according to the specific product.

  • Is the production process of biological rust removal agent environmentally friendly?

    Q Is the production process of biological rust removal agent environmentally friendly?

    The production process of biological rust removal agent should comply with environmental standards and laws and regulations to reduce the pollution to the environment.

  • Will the biological rust remover pollute the environment?

    Q Will the biological rust remover pollute the environment?

    Biological rust removal agent should not pollute the environment, but it needs to be paid attention to protect the surrounding environment and water source when used.

Scan to obtain resources
  • Rust remover technology AC group
    Rust remover technology AC group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Metal rust removal case sharing group
    Metal rust removal case sharing group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Rust remover operates AC group
    Rust remover operates AC group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Rust remover case sharing group
    Rust remover case sharing group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Ac group for equipment rust removal
    Ac group for equipment rust removal Scanning WeChat QR Code add service

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