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FAR 25.853 (a) Flame retardancy

AddTime:2022-10-12 Hits:834

Aircraft Materials FAR 25.853 Fire Test Standard-Application Note: FAR 25.853 Aviation Regulations-Transport Category Aircraft-Cabin Interior Implementation 

1.)Vertical burn test in accordance with 14FAR 25.853 B (4)), (App. F to part 25 partlS (a), 12 second vertical burn test and 60 second vertical burn test

2.) Smoke density test per 14 FAR 25.853 (d), (App. F to part 25, part V)

3.) Combustion heat release test per 14 FAR 25.853 (d) Appendix F, Part IV

4.) Passenger seat per 14FAR 25.853 (cApp. F to part II) 

5.) Horizontal fire test per 14FAR 25.853 B (2,3), (App. F to part 25 partI (a), (1) Perform 

6.) Fire test on cargo rack at 14FAR 25.855 (App. F to part TID) 

7.) 45 ° fire test at 14FAR 25.853 (B), (App. F o part 25, partI's (6))

FAR 25.853 Fire Test Standard for Aircraft Materials-Related Standard: BSS 7238 Test Method for Smoke Produced by Burning Materials Test Method for Bovine Toxicity of BSS 7239 Material 

ABD 0031 Airplane Standard: Fog and Physical Requirements 

ASTM E 662: Standard Test Method for Specific Optical Smoke Density Production 

HB 5469 Test Method for Nonmetallic Materials in Civil Aircraft Cabin HB 7068 Test Method for Combustion Characteristics of Polyurethane Foam Absorbing Materials Used in Radio-Frequency Non-Reflective Chamber 

European Union EN45545-2 

German DIN5510-2 

British BS6853 

France NF F16-101/102 NFPA 130

USA Italy UNI CEI 11170-2

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