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Fda CFR 175.300 & 175.105

AddTime:2022-10-12 Hits:834

U. S. Food and Drug Administration, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, referred to as FDA, is an international medical, food and medical audit authority, authorized by the Federal Government of the United States, and is a law enforcement agency specializing in food and drug administration. FDA certified foods, food containers, medicines, etc. Are safe and effective for the human body.

Polvvinl chloride (PVC) is a kind of polymer polymerized by vinyl chloride monomer under the action of peroxide, azo compound and other initiators, or under the action of light or heat according to the mechanism of free radical polymerization. PVC has excellent fireproof and heat-resistant properties, and is widely used in daily life. It is often used to make wire sheaths, shoes, handbags, ornaments, building decoration supplies, furniture, hangings, toys and curtains, auxiliary medical equipment, gloves and some food fresh-keeping paper, etc.

The test standards for food-grade PVC products exported to the United States are as follows: FDA 21CFR175.300 

The test items include: 

D Water extract 

D n-heptane extract 

D8% ethanol extract

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