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  • Does the neutral rust remover have different effects on different types of rust and oxide layers?

    Q Does the neutral rust remover have different effects on different types of rust and oxide layers?

    Yes, different types of rust and oxide layers will have different effects on neutral rust remover. For example, rust that is more difficult to remove may require longer processing, while the thinner oxide layer can be removed relatively easily.

  • How long does it take for a neutral rust remover to work?

    Q How long does it take for a neutral rust remover to work?

    The time required for the neutral rust removal agent depends on the degree of dirt and rust on the metal surface, as well as the type and performance of the neutral rust removal agent used. In general, neutral rust removal agents need to stay on the metal surface for a period of time, usually between a few minutes to a few hours, to achieve its best results.

  • What is the price of a neutral rust remover?

    Q What is the price of a neutral rust remover?

    The price of neutral rust remover varies by different factors such as brand, specification and performance. Generally speaking, compared with the acid rust removal agent, the price of the neutral rust removal agent is slightly higher, but its environmental protection and the protection effect on the metal surface is also better.

  • Can the neutral rust remover cause harm to the human body?

    Q Can the neutral rust remover cause harm to the human body?

    Although the theory of neutral rust removal agent has very low harm to human body, it may also cause harm to human body. Therefore, we should pay attention to follow the relevant safety operation procedures when using it, and wear good protective equipment to avoid inhalation or skin contact. If you accidentally contact with neutral rust remover, rinse the affected area immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention if necessary.

  • Does the neutral rust remover have the rust prevention function?

    Q Does the neutral rust remover have the rust prevention function?

    neutral rust remover can remove the rust and oxide layer on the metal surface, thus removing the rust and oxide layer on the metal surface, neutral rust remover can help extend the service life of the metal. The general neutral rust remover itself does not have a clear rust prevention function, but the ENIENT® neutral rust remover has added corrosion suppression components, which can provide short-term rust prevention protection for the metal for about 4 weeks. Therefore, after the use of neutral rust remover, it is best to carry out other rust treatment on the metal surface, such as spraying rust coating on the surface.

  • Is the neutral rust remover corrosive?

    Q Is the neutral rust remover corrosive?

    Neutral rust remover is less corrosive than acid rust remover, but it still needs to be careful not to contact the metal surface for a long time in use.

  • What should the neutral rust remover pay attention to when dealing with metal surfaces?

    Q What should the neutral rust remover pay attention to when dealing with metal surfaces?

    When using neutral rust remover, it is necessary to follow the use instructions and ensure that the use environment is well ventilated. In addition, care should be taken not to mix a neutral rust remover with other chemicals.

  • What are the application areas of neutral rust remover?

    Q What are the application areas of neutral rust remover?

    Neutral rust remover can be used in automobile, ship, aviation, electronics, construction and other fields, used to remove the dirt and rust on the metal surface.

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  • Rust remover technology AC group
    Rust remover technology AC group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Metal rust removal case sharing group
    Metal rust removal case sharing group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Rust remover operates AC group
    Rust remover operates AC group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Rust remover case sharing group
    Rust remover case sharing group Scanning WeChat QR Code add service
  • Ac group for equipment rust removal
    Ac group for equipment rust removal Scanning WeChat QR Code add service

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