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85°C / 85% RH

AddTime:2022-10-12 Hits:834

85 ° C/85% RH refers to the constant temperature and humidity test (also known as high and low temperature test, high and low temperature damp heat test) for industrial products in reliability simulation environment. The temperature and humidity of 85 ° C is a test condition with high utilization rate in the industry. 

What exactly is "85 ° C/85% RH"? 

The 85 ° C/85% RH test refers to the reliability test of the test sample under the condition that the temperature of the test chamber is set at 85 ° C and the humidity is 85%. The "85 ° C/85% RH" test is also a more rigorous reliability test. To compare the aging and some characteristic changes of the product before and after the "85 ° C/85% RH" test, and then improve the product according to these changes. Usually, the test time is more than 1000 hours, mainly to test the limits that the product can withstand in the harsh environment of high temperature and humidity. For example, the optical technical parameters of lighting lamps, physical properties of raw materials, yellowing index values, etc., the smaller the difference, the better, and then test the heat and moisture resistance of products.

 Application of "85 ° C/85% RH" in various industries.

 The "85 ° C/85% RH" test in the reliability test is widely used in the LED and photovoltaic industry, and the "85 ° C/85% RH" test must be carried out for the light source, module and spare parts of LED. At the same time, "85 ° C/85% RH" test is also a reliability test commonly used to detect the service life of products. So far, "85 ° C/85% RH" test has been widely used in all walks of life, such as electronics and electricians, communication technology, instrumentation, vehicles, medical, plastic products, aerospace and other industries.

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