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ENIENT Bio-Rust Remover - Non-Corrosive Rust Removal for Cars

AddTime:2023-04-20 Hits:832

When it comes to car rust removers, there are many types to choose from, and different rust removers have different effects on different situations and materials. Here is a common case of a car rust remover:

"ENIENT Bio-Rust Remover" EC0133 is a common car rust remover. It is a weakly acidic, water-based rust remover that can effectively remove rust without damaging the surface of the vehicle. This rust remover can be used on various metal materials, such as steel, ferroalloys, and cast iron. It can also remove rust and dirt on the surface of parts and other metal components without changing the appearance of the original material. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly product that does not contain harmful substances and can be recycled after use.

When using ENIENT Bio-Rust Remover, simply apply it to the surface that needs rust removal, wait for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with water. For more severe rust, tools such as wire brushes or sandpaper can be used for assistance. This rust remover can not only be used on cars but also for cleaning and rust removal of metal components on boats, machinery, and equipment.

The formula of this bio-rust remover is based on effective biotechnology, and it is environmentally friendly and degradable. It can remove rust and other dirt on metal surfaces without causing corrosion or other damage to the metal surface. The principle of this rust remover is to use the metabolic activity of microorganisms in a weakly acidic environment to convert the rust on the metal surface into water-soluble compounds, thus achieving the effect of rust removal.

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ENIENT ® products are the key to a clean and safe working environment across a wide range of industries. Our innovative and reliable super-safe rust remover delivers uncompromising performance, making rust removal a very simple job. Our rust remover can be easily applied to scenes that need rust removal. It can replace refrigerant and rust removal oil, making rust removal easier and eliminating additional rust removal processes. 

We ensure that you have easy access to technical information and resources to identify the right product for your specific application, sector and industry. We offer comprehensive support to let you know more about our innovative rust removal solutions and how they can help you. 

For more information about the product, CONTACT ENIENT CHEM and consult to one of our technical advisors. Browse our product range and download technical datasheets to learn more about the specific performance, compatibility, and application of each descaling scenario.

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