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ENIENT has launched a new rust remover--a non-corrosive, highly efficient one with 80% reduced dosage and 70 times faster speed.

AddTime:2023-04-20 Hits:832

Modern industry, most equipment and parts are made of metal, and oxidation and rust are one of the greatest threats to the functionality and safety of these equipment and parts. Every year, a large number of equipment, motor vehicles, parts, etc. are scrapped due to severe rust. If precise rust removal and rust prevention can be done at the beginning of rust formation, it can undoubtedly avoid this part of the loss. How to recycle and reuse scrapped equipment is also a major focus. How to achieve safe and efficient rust removal without damaging is a problem that the hardware industry needs to face together. Metal rust is a social problem. According to the survey of the International Corrosion Engineers Association (NACE), the global annual loss caused by metal rust exceeds 200 billion US dollars.

Formula upgrade, neutral safety, quick effect 

ENIENT helps people safely remove rust from metal parts, is a leader in the field of rust prevention, and is also a well-known brand of neutral safety rust remover in the global market. ENIENT EC0132 adopts an unprecedented formula, making the rust removal capacity of each liter of rust remover 80% higher than before, and the rust removal speed from the original soaking for 6 hours to the efficient 5 minutes for thorough rust removal. This non-corrosive and neutral quick rust remover makes safety and efficiency coexist, not only can it retain the fineness and luster of the metal surface to the maximum extent, it will not damage the surface and internal structure of the metal or cause brittle, and it can safely contact with plastic rubber without aging.

Rust removal upgrade 

Using highly active rust removal active agent, concentrated formula, quick reaction with rust, high rust removal efficiency, less rust remover is needed for the same rust. The amount of rust that can be processed is 5-10 times that of other rust removers.

No oil formula, no residue on the surface after rust removal, reject flash rust, natural anti-rust 

Water-based formula, can be used for rust removal by soaking or spraying. After the rust remover is sprayed on the rust surface, it will fully react with the rust within 2-5 minutes. Then, the color of the solution becomes dark, purple. At this time, the liquid can be wiped with non-woven cloth, or sprayed with a water gun to clean the solution. After rust removal, the metal surface is clean and there is no residue, no cleaning is required, and it can be directly polished or painted.

No flash rust, more assured 

After traditional rust removal process, in addition to removing rust, the passivation protection layer of metal is also removed, so that the active metal layer is directly exposed to the environment. From the experiment, after using other rust removers, the metal surface can be seen with the naked eye to produce rust again within 3-5 minutes, and the rust will quickly accumulate, even exceeding the original rust degree, that is to say, after rust removal, the metal will produce more rust than before. The result is shocking. This means that the traditional rust removal method is not only inefficient, but also very unstable after rust removal, and this "flash rust" also makes rust removal unreliable. For metals that can be immediately protected with rust inhibitors, the effect may be slight, but for metals that need to maintain a smooth surface, or for the next painting or polishing process, a few minutes of "fresh-keeping" time is undoubtedly not enough.

ENIENT's neutral rust remover provides a better solution. The special formula makes the metal surface form a "passivation" treatment after rust removal. This non-detachable invisible passivation layer can effectively protect the metal from oxidation. This protection can last for weeks.

What equipment and parts need rust removal?

1. Motor Vehicles: Functional Motor Vehicles (diggers, mining machines, gold mining vehicles, etc. in harsh working environments), submerged motor vehicles, daily electric vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.2. Machinery Equipment: Large engines, generators, various metal equipment.3. Electric and manual tools: Iron, stainless steel, copper tools, etc.4. Hardware components: Various metal parts, including iron, aluminum, magnesium, stainless steel, copper, etc.5. Steel bars, iron, etc.

What are the commonly used rust removal equipment and disadvantages?

Sandblasting machine, vacuum sandblasting machine, shot blasting machine, pipe sandblasting machine, end face grinding machine, SD0 air rust remover, air shovel, air hammer, air rust remover can be used as metal rust removal equipment. Electromagnetic rust removal: Electromagnetic rust removal is a rust removal method that uses an electromagnetic field in an electric current to remove the rust layer on a metal surface. Its disadvantages are high power consumption and high technical requirements for operation. Sandblasting rust removal: Sandblasting rust removal is used to remove rust.

Dr. Oliver introduces this brand new rust remover as:

Our metal rust remover is a professional rust removal tool that can effectively clean and remove rust spots and dirt on metal surfaces. Our metal rust remover adopts high-tech fast chelating technology, which can completely remove and erase oxides on metal surfaces, protect the luster on metal surfaces, and make the metal surfaces smoother. In addition, our metal rust remover does not require any polishing equipment and corrosives, it is safe, efficient, and will not damage the integrity of the metal surface. It can save your metal items and make them as good as new, while making your home environment more beautiful and elegant. Our metal rust remover has excellent performance, it can effectively remove dirt and rust spots on metal surfaces, and also protect the metal surface from corrosion and damage, making the metal surface smoother and increasing the luster on the metal surface, making it more beautiful and elegant. It is a professional tool indispensable for daily cleaning and decoration of households, and is your first choice. It also has a powerful role in industrial manufacturing. In short, our metal rust remover is a high-efficiency, safe and reliable professional tool, which can completely improve the appearance of the metal surface, and at the same time protect the metal from oxidation. It is a good helper that I must recommend to you in production and life.

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ENIENT ® products are the key to a clean and safe working environment across a wide range of industries. Our innovative and reliable super-safe rust remover delivers uncompromising performance, making rust removal a very simple job. Our rust remover can be easily applied to scenes that need rust removal. It can replace refrigerant and rust removal oil, making rust removal easier and eliminating additional rust removal processes. 

We ensure that you have easy access to technical information and resources to identify the right product for your specific application, sector and industry. We offer comprehensive support to let you know more about our innovative rust removal solutions and how they can help you. 

For more information about the product, CONTACT ENIENT CHEM and consult to one of our technical advisors. Browse our product range and download technical datasheets to learn more about the specific performance, compatibility, and application of each descaling scenario.

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