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This can reduce the loss and scrap rate by 50%

AddTime:2023-04-20 Hits:832

Steel rust removal is an important work, and when this work is done well, it reduces the loss and scrap rate by 50%. So, how do you do this job? The following is a detailed explanation of the steel rust removal conditions and operation steps.



1. Conditions description


When the steel rust removal, the working environment should be dry, the temperature should be controlled at more than 5℃, otherwise it will affect the rust removal effect. In addition, the workplace should be well ventilated to prevent harmful gases to the human body.


2. Preparation for work


Before the steel rust removal, the rust removal equipment and roughness testing equipment need to be prepared. You will also need to prepare work clothes and protective equipment, such as gloves, hats and masks. These preparations can ensure the safety and smooth of steel rust removal.


3. Operation steps


 Step 1: Clean and polish


First, the steel surface needs to be cleaned and polished to reduce the impact of the rust layer on rust removal. This step can be cleaned with water or solvent, or with a grinding machine or sandpaper.


 Step 2: Construction of rust remover


Next, the ENIENT@EC0132 neutral rust remover needs to be applied to the steel surface. The rust remover can be constructed with a brush or a spray gun, so that the rust remover can evenly cover the steel surface.


 Step 3: Rust removal treatment


After the construction of rust remover, the steel surface needs to be derusting. This step can be processed with a rust removal machine or can be done with manual cleaning. Either way, it needs to be kept clean and uniform to ensure the smoothness of the steel surface.


 Step 4: Check the roughness


After completing the rust removal treatment, the roughness testing is required using a roughness testing instrument. The purpose of this step is to ensure that the roughness of the steel surface meets the requirements. According to the test results, the necessary adjustments can be made to ensure the quality of the steel surface.


4. The end


Steel rust removal is a very important work, we need to take it seriously. Only by doing a good job of steel rust removal, can we ensure the quality of steel materials and reduce the loss and scrap rate. In the steel rust removal, the use of ENIENTEC0132 neutral rust removal agent needs to comply with the operating specifications, and strictly implement all safety measures to ensure the safety and efficiency of the work.

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ENIENT ® products are the key to a clean and safe working environment across a wide range of industries. Our innovative and reliable super-safe rust remover delivers uncompromising performance, making rust removal a very simple job. Our rust remover can be easily applied to scenes that need rust removal. It can replace refrigerant and rust removal oil, making rust removal easier and eliminating additional rust removal processes. 

We ensure that you have easy access to technical information and resources to identify the right product for your specific application, sector and industry. We offer comprehensive support to let you know more about our innovative rust removal solutions and how they can help you. 

For more information about the product, CONTACT ENIENT CHEM and consult to one of our technical advisors. Browse our product range and download technical datasheets to learn more about the specific performance, compatibility, and application of each descaling scenario.

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