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Color tile steel rust removal agent case _ENIENT biological rust removal agent without corrosion removal of color tile steel rust

AddTime:2023-04-20 Hits:832

Color tile steel is a very good effect of building materials, the appearance of colorful, with fire prevention, waterproof, thermal insulation, sound insulation and other functions. But for a long time, the rust on the color tile steel surface will seriously affect the appearance and reduce the beauty degree. Rusting removal became an essential task. However, traditional methods of removing the steel rust stains from colored tiles often require aggressive chemicals that can not only corrode buildings, but also cause serious pollution to the environment. How to efficiently remove the rust of the color tile steel without affecting the environment?



Under the development of the new technology field of British Chemical, the existing case of color tile steel rust remover solves this problem for us. ENIENT@EC0132 Biological rust remover is a brand new environmental protection product, it uses a new high-end technology, can efficiently and harmless to remove the rust of the color tile steel, without causing any corrosion to the building. The rust on the surface of the color tile can be quickly removed to reproduce its original color.


Color tile steel rust removal agent applied in the color tile steel, can continue to play the role of rust removal, and prevent the formation of rust again. Due to the complex surface process and color inside the color tile steel, we need specific biological rust removal agent to treat different kinds of color tile steel. For different types of color tile steel, we need to be understood in order to develop different biological rust removal agents.


Biological rust removal agent is an environmental protection product, which is not harmful to the environment when applied, and does not contain any harmful substances to human health. This rust remover is a new type of rust remover product with a safe formulation. When the biological rust removal agent is applied to the color tile steel, the rust that is not firmly attached is quickly removed. At the same time, the cleaning of biological rust removal agent is very strong, so even if the residue is not completely removed, it will decompose in a very short time, and will not affect the environment.


Color tile steel rust removal agent makes color tile steel regain beauty, shock resistance, reduce the pollution to the environment. Biological derusting agents no longer require humans to endure side effects such as stench and hard cough in the environment of heavy use of chemicals. It is more environmentally friendly, easier to operate, and more economical than the traditional method, and it is the best choice to remove the steel rust of the color tiles in the future.


In the case of color tile steel rust remover, ENIENT@EC0132 biological rust removal agent is a new, corrosion-free, environmental protection, safe, efficient, easy to operate rust removal products. The increasing popularity of biological rust remover will make the world more beautiful, environmentally friendly and safe. At the same time, it also proves that future biotechnology can be used for large-scale environmental improvement and pollution control.

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ENIENT ® products are the key to a clean and safe working environment across a wide range of industries. Our innovative and reliable super-safe rust remover delivers uncompromising performance, making rust removal a very simple job. Our rust remover can be easily applied to scenes that need rust removal. It can replace refrigerant and rust removal oil, making rust removal easier and eliminating additional rust removal processes. 

We ensure that you have easy access to technical information and resources to identify the right product for your specific application, sector and industry. We offer comprehensive support to let you know more about our innovative rust removal solutions and how they can help you. 

For more information about the product, CONTACT ENIENT CHEM and consult to one of our technical advisors. Browse our product range and download technical datasheets to learn more about the specific performance, compatibility, and application of each descaling scenario.

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